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A unique enzyme alternative to nattokinase, a protease compound formed during the soybean fermentation process that offers circulatory benefits.


  • Supports the circulatory system
  • May help improve blood flow as it helps dissolve fibrin




Nattozimes Plus is a unique enzyme composition designed to support cardiovascular function by maintaining already-normal blood flow. Nattozimes Plus is an alternative to nattokinase, a protease compound formed during the soybean fermentation process that offers circulatory benefits. While natto has been consumed in Japan for thousands of years, only recently have scientists realized the health benefits of nattokinase. Because nattokinase is often expensive, unavailable or unstable, NSP designed Nattozimes Plus. In addition to protease enzyme complexes, it contains other heart-supporting herbs, including hawthorn berries, capsicum fruit, dandelion leaf and the nutrient resveratrol. Hawthorn berries have long been used to support the heart muscles and cardiac function. Capsicum promotes healthy circulation of the blood. Dandelion and resveratrol may also support cardiac functionand blood flow.




Take 1 capsule between meals twice daily on an empty stomach. Each capsule contains 165 mg of nattozimes material, providing 2,500 fibrin units (FU). WARNING: Consult your health care provider prior to using this product if you are taking blood thinning medications or have a bleeding disorder. Do not use or handle this product if you are allergic to aspergillus.




Fungal enzymes (nattozimes), hawthorn berries, dandelion leaf, capsicum fruit and resveratrol

Nattozimes Plus (60 caps)

SKU: 520


    231-B Branchview Dr. N.E. 

    Concord, NC 28025

    Employees of The Genesis Herb Garden are not medical doctors. Information on this website is intended for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any health conditions or diseases, and should not be considered substitution for consultation with your physician or licensed medical professional. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

    © Genesis Herb Garden 2024

    Monday - Friday           10am - 6pm

    Saturday                       10am - 4pm

    Sunday                              Closed

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